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8 Best Open Source Alternate Firmware for Routers

The best way to improve your network and internet speed using alternate firmware up-gradation. check out the  Best Open Source Alternate Firmware and add the new feature in the router.

8 Best Open Source Alternate Firmware for Routers

Do you most of the time notice your wifi gives speed and connectivity issues?

Every Wifi router comes with preloaded OEM firmware with a different base source. There are many best open-source firmware available for wifi routers supported by more than 200+ brands. Upgradingalternative firmware is the best option to supercharge and solve performance and stability issues.

You may be using a wifi router with limited features and you are not aware that your wifi router is capable more than you are getting. Yes! Upgrading custom firmware can new features in your router. While missing an option or feature in your wifi router just switch the alternate firmware and get a couple of new features.

Turn your ordinary wifi router into super speed and fully manage the wifi router using the number of new free custom firmware available. This post will give you all the available alternate firmware options supported by your wireless and wired router.

Did you test the internet speed getting as per the plan subscribed? Alternative firmware can increase the speed and stability of your existing WiFi router which is running in OEM firmware.

Why use Alternate Firmware?

There are many benefits of using alternate firmware for your home router. Sometimes OEM firmware does not give the performance and stability in wireless internet so upgrading alternate firmware fixes the issue. Many times we required any settings such as and we found its missing in OEM firmware which can easily get after open-source firmware. In developer, side can add many extra features and develop own firmware using open-source alternative firmware. As open-source firmware comes under GNU license so no tension about using commercial use against copyrights. Simply just double the performance and supercharge your ordinary router into high-performance commercial products.

The list of best alternative firmware for Routers

This is the list of best alternative router firmware replacements for all leading brands such as TP-Link, Linksys, Alfa, Tenda, iBall, Engenius router, and many more.

Note: While upgrading any firmware make sure you have downloaded supported firmware as per your router hardware and model number. Upgrading the wrong firmware can brick your router permanently.

1- OpenWRT


3- Gargoyle

4- Tomato

5- Chilifire

6- FreeWrt

7- LibreCMC

8- HyperWRT

1- OpenWRT

 dgn2200 alternative firmware

OpenWrt is an open-source firmware developed under the GNU license. It is the most popular source of firmware for distribution for embedded devices. Many leading router brands use OpenWrt as stock firmware for the base and develop their own firmware using it. Although it is an open source so you can add an extra feature and increase the performance of your wifi router using OpenWRT firmware. OpenWrt firmware is most useful for turning your normal indoor router into outdoor (CPE) Customer-premises equipment to improve the connectivity distance and stability. Many of the router manufacturers used OpenWrt firmware as stock firmware to improve the connection quality and performance in their devices.



After OpenWrt the best alternative free firmware for wifi routers is DD-WRT. It also comes under a GNU license and gives you many extra additional features that never come with OEM firmware. DD-Wrt is an interactive web interface loaded with excellent features such as a captive portal, OpenVPN, UNPN. After upgrading DDWRT you get the feature QoS to limit bandwidth for individual users and manage internet plans smartly. DD-WRT also gives your IPv4 and IPv6 protocol support with IP and Mac filtering features to ensure network security. If you are into telecom business or internet business you can turn your normal wifi router into a super-channel enabled device. DD-Wrt provides you with super-channel frequency to increase the performance and gives you a special frequency range.

Download the compatible firmware for your Router

3- Gargoyle


Gargoyle is yet another ultimate alternative firmware to replace your router stock firmware. It is based on the OpenWrt base source and modified with adding the additional feature which may not available in OpenWRT. Gargoyle is a lightweight and single-page configuration firmware for simple configurations. Gargoyle designed for a myriad of Atheros and Broadcom-based wireless routers available with source code and ready bin file.

After upgrading gargoyle you get the content filtering, QoS, Firewall, and DMZ settings which are not available in OpenWrt stock firmware. It is the best firmware option for monitoring your internet speed in graphical mode and adding your OEM firmware into extra features.

Check your Router Model Number firmware here

4- Tomato


Tomato firmware is another best replacement for OEM firmware supported by Linksys, Buffalo, and Broadcom-based routers. Using Tomato firmware you get the smart and graphical user view for monitoring and managing your limited internet bandwidth plan. It is very easy to use GUI, a new bandwidth usage monitor, more advanced QOS, and access restrictions, to enable balanced internet speed to each user.  Check your Wi-Fi router model supported with the available firmware version.

5- Chilifire

Chilifire is alternative firmware to turn your normal home router into a hotspot management system. It is a cloud-based hotspot management software to use for manage and earn revenue from the internet. It is useful firmware for people in an internet business or looking for hotspot solutions for hospitality, coffee shop, and other commercial use. Chilifire is the best free hotspot solution for hotels, restaurants, colleges, pizza shops and coffee shops to get paid for internet use in a public place.

You can just turn your normal router into a cloud-based hotspot system and start to earn revenue from your internet connection. It supports OTP-based authentication and prepaid as well as postpaid username and password login option.

6- FreeWrt

You also try FreeWRT Open Source firmware as an alternate for your router. FreeWrt is  Linux based router firmware under GNU license and Linux distribution. While choosing free firmware for your router make sure the firmware and hardware are fully compatible to avoid any type of damage.

7- libreCMC

LibreCMC is another free firmware for replacing OEM firmware under GNU licenses based on Linux. It is supported and tested by many popular router brands such as TP-Link, Buffalo, Netgear and unofficial tested with D-Link router also. You can find your router model number supported firmware version and supercharge your router.

8- HyperWRT

Another alternate replacement of OEM firmware for the router is HyperWrt.


Open-source is the best way to get free firmware to supercharge your normal router without striking copyrights. You can upgrade most of the leading brands TP-Link, D-Link, Netgear, Trendnet, 3Com, HP, Alfa, and many more. You can simply test open source firmware and revert back to the original OEM firmware if not satisfied. Just looking for an extra feature to manage your network try alternative firmware for routers and modems the best replacement for original brand firmware.


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