How To Change Etisalat Router WiFi Password?
Etisalat a UAE internet provider that uses multi different brands router to deliver internet to the client end. Etisalat used Dlink DSL-2750U-Etisalat router, ZTE powered router, and other multiple different brands to provide wifi and ADSL modem internet connections. If you are an Etisalat subscriber and looking for a simple user guide to Change Etisalat Router WiFi Password and SSID name for the first time then you bookmark this article. The Login Etisalat router method is the same for the Dlink brands and any other used by Etisalat internet connection. You need to connect your Etisalat router using wifi or wired to access settings from the web browser to make any configuration and changes.
You need Etisalat default login IP address, username, and password to access router settings. Default login credentials usually printed to the router and mode sticker and also available on the official support website. Login Etisalat MiFi or Etisalat DSL modem the method of same only login IP and username password might be different. Turn on your router and go near to your router and proceed to log in and change password steps.
Login Etisalat Router Using Default Settings
To log in and access the router settings page physical wired or wireless connection required with router.
Follow steps to connect with the router and for the further login process.
- Connect Etisalat router using LAN cable from router LAN port to computer/laptop LAN port.
- For wireless connection use WiFi SSID and password as configured to the router or check router sticker for default Etisalat wifi password.
- Internet cable coming from the internet provider should be connected to the LAN port for broadband connection and in DSL port for DSL internet line.
- Power on the router with dc adapter included with the router.
- Go to computer/laptop LAN settings and make sure TCP/IPv4 settings in DHCP mode to get IP from the router.
Netgear Router Login and Setup Tutorials
Default Login Settings for Etisalat Router
Find default login settings detail to router sticker or user manual included with router box during the first time. Find default login details below also.
Default Gateway Login IP Address–
Default login username – admin
Default Password– admin
Access Router web interface
Open web browser and access to the URL bar and press enter key.
You will get a router login page asking for a username and password to enter in router settings.
Please enter the default router user name and password
Username– admin
Password –admin
Press Enter key to access the router control panel and proceed to set up further.
Change Wireless SSID and Password
Etisalat dual-band router you need to configure both 5GHz and 2.4GHz wireless SSID network name and for single-band router only 2.4GHz SSID.
Go to Wireless- WLAN2.4GHz or WLAN(5GHz)Â choose the wifi band you want to change your name.
Band- 2.4 GHz (B+G+N)
Mode; AP
SSID- create Etisalat WIFI name as per your choice.
Channel Width- 20/40Mhz (use 40 if internet plan more than 50Mbps
Scroll the page and apply to save settings and follow same steps to change 5GHz WiFI name.
After wireless SSD configuration now goes to the security option under wireless settings to create a wifi key.
Setup and Change WiFi Password
After updating the SSID name now go to Wireless- WLAN (2.4GHz) – Security options.
Select SSID- Root AP (if you are using multiple SSID name choose the SSID name you want to create a WIFI key)
Encryption- WPA2
Authentication mode– personal
WPA2 cipher suite- AES
Shared key format- passphrase
Shared key– WIFI password (create WiFI Password in this box)
Press Apply Changes button to confirm settings. Connect your mobile, and another device again with a new SSID and password to proceed with further configurations.
After making changes to the wireless name and password you must not forget to update the admin login password to protect router settings access from users connected to the internet.
Change Etisalat Administrator password
Default login admin username and password also printed to router sticker and easily available on router official website so during first time configuration always change the login password for your modem and routers.
Go to Management- User or login
Old Password- admin
New password- create a new login password
Confirm new Password– type new password again to confirm.
Apply settings and keep the saved login password in a safe place. Avoid writing login and wifi password in router sticker and anywhere that easily visible by others.
If you are unable to login Etisalat DSL modem or router or you may forget the login password after change the admin password you may reset the router to the factory reset button.
Factory Reset Etisalat Router
Making the router to default mode will delete all configuration from the router so the internet may stop working and need to set up again as per internet settings.
- Locate a small reset switch in the router’s backside or bottom side.
- Press and hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds and release.
- The router will automatically reboot after execute the reset command.
- Ping default IP address to confirm restoration of factory settings.
- After factory reset follows the above steps to setup Etisalat Wireless router and modem again.
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