tp-link archer c7 ac1750 range extender

TP-Link AC1750 Range Extender Mode Setup [Archer C8]

TP-Link AC1750 Range Extender Mode setup in 2.4GHz and boost signal range using 5Ghz.

TP-Link AC1750 Range Extender Mode Setup [Archer C8]

TP-Link AC1750 Wireless Dual-Band Gigabit Router Archer c8 for home and office internet. It is a high-end wifi router with gigabit port and 1750 Mbps wifi speed which makes live streaming smooth and seamless networks. The router having 1USB port for local storage sharing and printer sharing purposes. In this post, you will get the easy guide to setup TP-Link AC1750 Dual Band wifi router as repeater mode and extend wifi network with the 5Ghz band.

The C8 router having dual-band so can use both bands for repeater connection depend on main host wifi router supports. TP-Link Archer C8 and TP-Link Archer C7 AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit both are similar so you can follow this user guide for both wifi router range extender setup. TP link router ac1750 comes with three external Omni antenna which provides the best signal coverage for the large and medium-size house.

tp-link ac1750 smart wifi router best for game lover and streaming HD as well as UHD video quality without buffering. Ac1750 TP Link Dual band router on of the best router for internet speed 100Mbps and more.

TP-Link AC1750 Connection Diagram

Setup TP-Link archer C8 as repeater mode required a wired connection to access the web interface.

TP-Link C8 router having 4 LAN port for wired connection. Connect Laptop/Desktop Lan port from any Lan port (yellow) and power on the device with the adapter comes with the device.

 TP-LINK AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Gigabit Router repeater setup

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TP-Link Archer C8 Default Settings

TP-Link C8 Ac1750 Default IP Address-

Default Username- admin

Default Password: admin

PC/Laptop LAN IP configuration: Go to Network and sharing center- Change adapter settings.

Use in Ethernet TCP/IP4 Static IP Address.

TP-Link AC1750 Dual Band WiFi Router Login First time

Open a Web browser and type IP Address.

Use ac1750 default username and password for the first-time login.

TP-Link AC1750 Smart WiFi Router range extender configuration

As the most of the default IP Addresses are or While configuring the router in repeater mode first change the default IP Address.

If you are using the main host wifi router also TP-Link than change repeater device IP address before the setup in range extender mode.

Archer C8 LAN IP Address Change

Go to Advanced- Network – LAN

IP Address:  change this IP address to or any other and re-login device with new ip address.

TP Link AC1750 Dual Band Gigabit Wireless Wi Fi Router LAN IP Change

TP-Link AC1750 Repeater Mode setup in 2.4Ghz

Archer c8 is a dual-band wifi router so use 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz to configure as a range extender. To set up repeater mode in 5Ghz need your host WiFi router must be the dual band. If your main internet wifi router support only 2.4GHz than use 2.4G as a repeater in AC1750.

Go to Advanced- Wireless 2.4GHz – Wireless Settings

Enable WDS bridging

 tp-link archer c7 wireless dual band gigabit router (ac1750)

Connect Host Wifi Router from Repeater Device

Click Survey button scan main wifi router.

tp-link ac1750 wi-fi range extender (re450)

After scanning you will get all running near your place. Just find your main wifi name and click connect button to join from the repeater.

tp-link archer cr700 ac1750

SSID and Mac address will be auto fil after press connect button.

Password: type your main wifi password to allow wireless connection from archer c8 device.

Click the Save button to apply settings.

tp-link ac1750 wifi range extender with high speed mode and intelligent signal indicator (re450)

The router will reboot and after a few minutes repeater will be connected to the main wifi router.


Setup 5GHz WiFi name and Password for Extend WiFi Range

Now configure 5GHz wifi name to extend the network via repeater connection.

You can use 2.4GHz and 5GHz for both bands to extend the network.

Advance- Wireless 5GHz- Wireless Settings

Wireless Network Name:  type WIFI name for 5GHz

Region: select your country.

Mode: use 11/a/n/ac to get high speed in wifi connectivity.

Click the Save button to apply settings

tp-link archer c7 wireless dual band gigabit router

AC1750 5GHz Wireless Security Settings

After SSID setup do not forget to change the default wifi password to prevent unauthorized access of wifi networks.

Advanced- Wireless 5GHz

Wireless Security: WPA/WPA2-Personal

Wireless Password: type password for repeater SSID in 2.4Ghz band.

tp-link ac1750 dd-wrt firmware upgrade

Click the Save button to apply and enjoy increase wifi range in every place with high-speed connectivity.

Follow the same steps to change the Wireless 2.4GHz WIFi name and password to use both bands to extend wifi signal range.


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