The List of Facebook IMO Shortcut code Keyboard Keys

The List of Facebook IMO Shortcut code Keyboard Keys

An interesting and faster way to chatting in Facebook is to use emoji icons. get the complete List of Facebook IMO Shortcut code Keyboard Keys to operate Facebook faster without using the mouse.

List of Facebook IMO shortcut code keys

The shortcut is an interesting way to get something faster. The social platform is the most demanding way to connect with each other. Facebook is the hot demanding social platform for long distance relationship and adopted by every age peoples. The teenage to adult and older age everyone uses the shortcut code in Facebook chat to make an impressive conversation. It is not easy to remember all List of Facebook imo shortcut code in mind while chatting in messenger.

Facebook IMO emoticon is an interesting way to explore your feeling with friends. Suppose you are feeling happy you can send Facebook laughing emoji shortcut and if feeling bad then just send the crying emoji. The best thing is day by day Facebook and other social platforms update their emoicons list to make users more attractive.

Faster chat with Facebook Keyboard Shortcut Code

You can make your conversation not only interesting but faster using facebook shortcode. While you are using Facebook shortcut keys to operate your Facebook profile it will be very effective and useful for you while using an official Facebook page. You can get a complete list of Facebook imo icon to use it in any platform. Download Facebook shortcut icon for Android and iPhone to keep remember always. If you are a desktop user you may operate faster using Facebook keyboard shortcut code and symbols.

? All Emoticons Shortcut Codes for Facebook Emoji symbols

There are the list of Keyboard key combination to operate your Facebook account without using the mouse. Regular using of shortcut key may remember you and you can use your Facebook account without delay.

  • Alt + 0 — Help
  • Alt + 1 — Home
  • Alt + 2 — Timeline
  • Alt + 3 — Friends
  • Alt + 4 — Inbox
  • Alt + 5 — Notifications
  • Alt + 6 — Settings
  • Alt + 7 — Activity Log
  • Alt + 8 — About
  • Alt + 9 — Terms
  • Alt + m – New Message
  • j , k — Scroll between News Feed stories
  • p — Post a new status
  • l — Like or unlike the selected story
  • c — Comment on the selected story
  • s — Share the selected story
  • o — Open attachment of the selected story
  • enter – See more of the selected story
  • / — Search
  • q — Search chat contacts
  • ? — Show this help dialogue


List of Facebook Smile Keyboard Shortcut Code

These are the list of emotion and feelings smiley shortcode. While you want to show feeling to someone special you can easily use the Facebook IMO icon to express your feelings. This Facebook emojis is an interesting way to use an interesting conversation with family and friends. The imo icon not only use in Facebook but also in every social platform and instant messaging apps such as Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, and another social platform. Never share to conversations but feel the distance less conversation using Facebook emotional contagion.


Smile 🙂
Frown 🙁
Tongue 😛
Grin 😀
Gasp :O
Wink 😉
Glasses  B-)
Sunglasses B|
Grumpy >:(
Unsure :/
Cry :'(
Devil 3:)
Angel O:)
Kiss :*
Heart <3
KiKi ^_^
Squint -_-
Confused o.O
Confused Reverse o.O
Upset >:O
Pacman :v
Colon Three :3
Christopher Putnam :putnam:
Like (y)
Poop :poop:

Facebook GIF Message use in Chat

GIF full form is Graphics Interchange Format. The GIF is most used and likes message type in all social networking sites. If you want to send a running message you can send the GIF message. GIF message easily available in the option gif in message windows and search the type you want to. router

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